lunedì 25 agosto 2008

Pirate Lady_(Outdoor)

Agosto 2008
Spray on Painted Steel
Rifugio Malegon Arsiero (Vi)

(Ovviamente il bimbo con il rullo non è l'autore bensì è stata una prova per ottenere una foto di notevole effetto, dove sembra lui l'autore... ebbravo Lele!!!)
Ps. As you can see i don't ever touch my stencil once i sprayed 'em. Here you still see the white strips on the pirate's flag. I could use a pen or something to cover white spaces but that wouldn't be stencil anymore. Figures composed by more than a color and the process of using more sheets is called "MIMEOGRAPHY". This is why i do not like to recolor my works... I Do Stencils and they have to be so!!! I've done and i'll do some Mimeography art and you'll see the difference.

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